Building Trust #IMMOOC2

“4. Share some of your best ideas for building relationships and a culture of trust in your position?”

In my teaching position, I have created a “Google Tips” of the “week” on our news hub. I try as much as possible to share some tips in order to ease the use of technology in the common classroom. The “tips” revolve around something that I have learned that could benefit a lot of teachers in my school. Example of one is that I have been using Google Classroom since the first day that it was available for us in Canada! Since then, I have posted tips about using that platform and I did conference sessions. This year, I have created a “How to use Google Classroom” series for some who much prefer to learn it at their own pace. Another example of tip for the teachers marking student work online, can use Permanent Clipboard to create frequent use comments for essays. So, now with that my colleagues feel at ease to ask me any questions involving tech in the classroom or personal use. I believe that when we get expose to how the technology is being used with some success, more people are willing to try or ask about it.

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