Google Docs to WordPress! #IMMOOC

Did you know that you can use Google Docs “simplicity” to write your WordPress blogs?

WordPress is a platform that could be intimidating for some. But most people know Google Docs and how to edit the content.

Create a new Google Doc and under the menu Add-ons, scroll to Get add-ons… Then search for WordPress or just click here when you are log in to your Google Account. Install the FREE Add-ons. After you write a blog post in a Google Doc. When you are ready to post it, just Open the for Google Docs under the menu Add-ons: see the pic below. You will need to allow this WordPress to do that before posting that blog post!


What if… #IMMOOC3

What if? This is probably my ongoing question and never ending question! What if all students would use the tech? What if, coding was a mandatory subject from grade 1? What if, digital citizenship was a class? What if, we had a 20% project class? What if, we had 1 to 1 device district? (how much money we would save just in photocopy!) What if all our staff meetings where Flip, like the flip classroom model? What if, all students where eager to learn? What if, … I think you get the point!

I have learn that is my innovators’ question for a lot of what I do. Lately with #IMMOOC community and this great quote:


That is why I have started to write some blog post, even if it isn’t perfect! Because as George quote in one of his blog: “Perfect is the enemy of done.” That is so true but so hard for me to accept it or to do it. I need to re-read that blog post a few time! “The Paralysis of Fear” by George Couros. Which bring me to What If I start to “create” blog post and vlog about my journey of learning about The Innovators’ Mindset? What can happen?

Then, I get a notification about a YouTube video from Gary Vaynerchuk relating to all of this! Great timing! One part that really stick with me is: “Ideas are s…, Documenting is the execution…”!

What if I execute/document my journey?

Building Trust #IMMOOC2

“4. Share some of your best ideas for building relationships and a culture of trust in your position?”

In my teaching position, I have created a “Google Tips” of the “week” on our news hub. I try as much as possible to share some tips in order to ease the use of technology in the common classroom. The “tips” revolve around something that I have learned that could benefit a lot of teachers in my school. Example of one is that I have been using Google Classroom since the first day that it was available for us in Canada! Since then, I have posted tips about using that platform and I did conference sessions. This year, I have created a “How to use Google Classroom” series for some who much prefer to learn it at their own pace. Another example of tip for the teachers marking student work online, can use Permanent Clipboard to create frequent use comments for essays. So, now with that my colleagues feel at ease to ask me any questions involving tech in the classroom or personal use. I believe that when we get expose to how the technology is being used with some success, more people are willing to try or ask about it.

School vs Learning? #IMMOOC1

SchoolvsLearningByGeorgeCourosGreat Analogy and thought provocative! Great question to reflect on and one that I’m trying to solve. But, I would ask, are North American Students ready to “Learn” like the “Learning” side? Or, are they groove to be consumers? Or, maybe and just maybe learning isn’t something interesting enough for them in order to trigger those profound questioning, passions, creativity, …

Let me share my experience with the philosophy of “Learning”. I have been trying this for several years now. I have try so many different versions of having students do the “Learning”! Do the inquiry in my “creative” classes. Like; photography, motion media, animation and cinematography. Still today, I have yet to see a student start with a questions! They are ready to go and take pictures but to learn about how to become a great photographer that is irrelevant for most of them. You would think or more you would like to think that students would jump all over the opportunity to learn what they want. But, it rarely happen. I call it the “credits” effect! Students think: “I’m here to have 100 credits and go on with my life!” So, as @JMcKeanK12 put it last week in his blog: “If you don’t drive the bus, I will“! I have found that in order to resolve this mentality, I stand and deliver and try provoke  their mind/creativity side!

Note: forgot to include my vlogs and the my blog post for last week! Not good for a tech guy! Good thing that we have YouTube live tonight.

Why or What is Innovation?

InnovationSo week 2 of #IMMOOC and we have some great prompts to discuss. This week, I would like to vlog about: “What are some examples that you consider innovative?” or Why even innovate?

First, I have read a few great blogs post about this topic of “Innovation” and sure makes you think as a teacher. Like this question from Kristen’s Korner blog post for this week: “Those of us in education would like to to think that we are always open to trying new things but are we really?” We are, as long as we agree or if it fits my comfort level for trying that “new” thing!

Then the post from freerangelibrarian about “Why Innovate?” I like how he started his blog with all the “Why” and a quick answer! Like: “Why get busy with the work of innovation? To engage our students.” Absolutely right that I innovate to engage them because if they are, the concept will stick better. That is what I hope anyways.

Innovation Mindset in Elementary Math” by #NERDYMATHTEACHER had a particular reason to get his master degree! Great points about the “New” math and how people from outside think or try to dictate how we should teach math. What worked in the 1950 may not work in 2017! The students of today are not what they use to be. For one, they have a lot more going on then just playing street hockey every day after school!

Vlog #2


IMMOOC2 -First Vlog

A new beginning or as George Couros says: “Change is an opportunity to do something amazing”, #InnovatorsMindSet

I have joint the second group of “The Innovator’s Mindset” by Georges Couros, book studies. We are to share our learning with all to read in a blog and share. In my case, I choose to do Vlogging instead of blogging. We get a few Prompt questions every week in order to help us, see below. Hope you will enjoy my journey as much as I’m going to enjoy learning from the group #IMMOOC on twitter and Facebook.

Here is my first Vlog in reflecting on this Prompt from George: gcourosquote

Week 1 – Vlog